like new kenmore washer and dryer 550.00 in Manhattan, Kansas For Sale
Price: $550
Type: Art & Antiques,
For Sale
- Private.
Hi I'm selling a set Kenmore washer and dryer for 550.00 not even a year old. I'm moving and don't have room need the money to help me with moving expenses I bought the set brand new last April with warranty for 950.00 from sears. They are in great condition I'm the only one that has used them. I wipe them down after each use. I'm trying to sell the set this weekend because I start my new job on the 18th. So I'm trying to leave this week so thanks for helping me also your getting a great dill. If you take care of them they will last a long time I'm Firm on price so please email or call thanks and. No scams please